Four Tips to Being Present in the Moment

Life can be very distracting. 

Maybe you’re thinking about your upcoming vacation instead of your presentation or a conversation you had that morning remains on your mind.

Or, maybe you're checking your phone while your significant other is talking to you. 

Either way, without realizing it, you aren’t present in the moment. When our thoughts go elsewhere, whether that was our intent or not, we are giving the other person the message that they are not the priority.

Our professional and personal lives suffer when we aren’t living in the present moment, but with practice, you can learn to be present both at work and at home. 

Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Take a moment before entering a conversation and take 3-5 full deep breaths to recenter and focus.

  • Find a couple of minutes between meetings to close your eyes and get still. Utilizing a meditation app or a timer on your phone can help you stay still without worry that you will go too long.

  • Get up from your desk and take a walk around your house, office or outside to clear your mind and change up your energy.

  • Turn on the "do not disturb" to limit notifications from social media and other digital distractions.

Now is the time to take a moment to be still. Listen to my podcast episode B3 Breaks (B3 = Business, Balance & Bliss): Take A Moment To Be Still to take 4 minutes to slow down and be still with a 2-minute check-in with your mind and breath. You can then reset and find a sense of calm to bring back into your day.


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