Embracing The Now: Lessons on Creating Work-Life Harmony

Embracing The Now: Lessons on Creating Work-Life Harmony

I want to talk about what it means to create work-life harmony. 

I created this term to take the stress out of work-life balance. It better describes the state of being where you feel you have enough time for both work and life. And not just enough time, but quality time.

We all know that feeling when we've had a hectic day at the office or home and finally get some time to relaxโ€”and then our phone rings. Or our email inbox is full of new messages. We're left feeling like we don't have enough time in our day, so we need to find ways to squeeze in more responsibilities or tasks.

It's easy to get caught up in the quantity of time: "I don't have enough time!" But that's not the issue here. The issue is quality.

You might have five minutes today and an hour tomorrow, but if those five minutes are spent on something that matters to you, then they're worth more than an hour spent doing something that doesn't.

We all have the same amount of time in a day. It's a 24-hour cycle that we all share, regardless of gender, race, wealth, or education level. So why do some people seem to get more done than others?

The answer isn't "because they're smarter" or "they work harder." They've learned to make the most of every minute and not waste it on things like stress and anxiety over what they haven't yet done.

How can you do this? By taking control of your time (and your life). When you start being intentional about how you spend your days, you'll start seeing resultsโ€”and feeling less stressed about getting it all done at once.

When we try to control how much time we spend on something, we lose track of why we're creating that space in the first place: for release from stress and demands, for self-care and rejuvenation, and for presence without expectation or pressure. Those are all things that can be achieved no matter how much or little time we have! 

So whatever time YOU do have today (or tomorrow), enjoy it fullyโ€”be present without the expectation. Instead, enjoy the journey.


You Are What You Do


May You Live All the Days of Your Life