Are you Ready for a Remote-Work Winter?

As we approach the coldest part of the year, it’s clear that our current work-from-home (WFH) forecast shows no signs of slowing down. With the lower temperatures likely to produce a spike in Covid-19 cases, it’s possible restrictions will be tighter during the winter than during the previous few months. That means you’ll likely be working from home until at least the spring. While you may be used to working from home at this point, the cold weather and short days will present unique challenges. Now is the time to make sure your WFH set-up is winterized and to mentally prepare for the long haul.

When the pandemic started, we all made slapdash decisions in order to get up and running as quickly as possible. If you’ve had warm weather, you may have also been prone to taking meetings outdoors, renting a house somewhere for a week, or being otherwise on the go. Odds are all of that will slow down, forcing you to rely on your at-home routine more than ever. Establishing a productive and fulfilling set of habits and behaviors now will help decrease your chances of burning out come January. Here are a few suggestions to lay the foundation for a successful next few months. 

Lock Down Your Workstation

As I mentioned above, working from anywhere will increasingly become working from home as the weather gets colder. If your workspace isn’t up to your liking, take the time to improve it. Use zip ties to create clean wiring, declutter the items that have built up since March, and ensure that you can be comfortable for long stretches. Update and upgrade your tech. You should also spend some time on a few seasonally appropriate touches. Maybe you’d like a space heater to keep toasty or a biotherapy lamp to mimic sunlight. These may seem like secondary concerns, but they’ll make a vital difference in how you feel every day. Speaking of which... 

Take Time To Move

Without so many reasons to leave the house, it’s all too easy to spend the winter in hibernation from exercise. Most of us who go to the gym do so either before or after going to the office. To guarantee you get enough exercise and fresh air during the winter, you have to build it into your schedule. The benefits of taking a daily walk are immense, and the winter is the easiest time for that habit to lapse. Try to find reasons to get yourself outside and moving, even if only for a few brief stretches. 

Find The Right Wardrobe

The pandemic has had an enormous effect on the fashion industry, including the invention of Zoom shirts and rallying cries of “Sweatpants forever.” All kidding aside, though, you’ll find working from home a lot more bearable if you feel comfortable while doing it. Comfort and layering are key for when it’s chilly. Ideally, you want to be able to bundle up or shed a jacket without having to break stride on a task. With the holidays around the corner, now is the time to purchase some WFH basics that will keep you cozy all year long. 

Maintain Connection From Afar

It’s not unlikely that social gatherings will be few and far between this holiday season. These are huge losses, and it’s important to compensate for them by staying connected virtually. Have a Zoom holiday party, start a winter binge-watching club, or find other ways to keep yourself in touch with your team members, friends, and loved ones. Doing so will help keep you from going stir-crazy. 


How to Throw a Virtual Holiday Party (and Why it Matters)


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