Beyond the 9-5: How to Make Time for Your Passions While Working Smarter

If you're like most people, you probably feel like you don't have enough time to pursue your passions in addition to your day job. You might even feel guilty about spending time on your passion projects because you're worried about how it will impact your performance at work.

The key to finding more time for your passions is not just to work harder but to work smarter. But here's the thing: By working smarter, you can make more progress on your passion projects without sacrificing performance or productivity at work.

Outsource areas where you spend time but don't see a clear return on investment or are not the best use of your time.

One of the best ways to find more time for passion projects is by delegating tasks that aren't core to your business or career path. Delegation and outsourcing aren't as easy as simply passing off tasks to someone elseโ€”it requires understanding how you work best and then communicating that information to others. That way, they can do their jobs more efficiently and effectively while you continue doing what you do best.

Here are some tips for delegating effectively:

Provide guidance upfront. Let employees know what needs to be done, when it needs to be completed and why it's important to you or the company. Make sure they understand the end result, so they don't waste time on things that aren't important or don't contribute directly to reaching your goals.

Be clear about expectations. Set boundaries by being clear about what constitutes an acceptable level of performance (e.g., timeliness, accuracy). If multiple steps are involved in completing a task, walk through each step, so your employee understands what needs to happen at each stage.

Find ways to speed up and automate repetitive processes in your work routine.

Find ways to speed up and automate repetitive processes in your work routine and business. If something takes up a lot of your time each week but doesn't require much thought or skill, look for ways to streamline the process, so it happens faster or less often.

Use technology wisely. Many jobs involve repetitive tasks that can be easily automated with software or apps (think expense reports, invoices, and other billing documents that need to be created regularly.) Look for opportunities to use technology where possible, so you don't have to spend time manually on these things each day or week.

Let go of the need for perfectionism and stop procrastinating by establishing deadlines and creating milestones.

Perfectionism can be paralyzing, especially when starting a business or creating a product. It's easy to get caught up in details and procrastinate on delivering a final product because it isn't perfect yet. But there's a difference between perfectionism and just wanting things done right. And when it comes to accomplishing goals, it's important to stop procrastinating by establishing deadlines, creating milestones, and getting help if necessary.

Designate times for your passion projects

Here's the secret to finding time for your passions: You must make time for them.

It's that simple.

To start a business, you need to take action and put in the hours.

The same goes for your passions outside of work. If you want to be a better writer, you need to write. If you want to become an expert on something, then you need to spend time learning about it. 

This might mean giving up some free time so you can devote more time to your passion projectsโ€”but this doesn't mean that they have to take over your life or be all-consuming. It's often better if they're not because then they won't feel like such a chore when it comes time to do them again tomorrow.

There is a balance to be struck between performing well at work and pursuing your passions, but it doesn't have to be so difficult to achieve. By reducing your workload or finding creative solutions, you can work smarter and make time for your passion projects. In the end, you'll have to find what works best for you. The right combination of tools and techniques could be everything you need to take better care of yourself, your busy life, and your passions.


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