It Takes a Community

I want to take this time to say THANK YOU for your support of getting my stories out this year! This has been a year of pushing myself to try new things and taking risks that were both challenging and stimulating at the same time. It was always a goal of mine to write a book, but actually putting one (now two) out there was much scarier than I could have imagined. When you write something that anyone can pick up and read, you donโ€™t think about how you are exposing your personal thoughts and experiences and whether people reading it will actually enjoy it and relate to itโ€ฆuntil its in print and out there! What a growth experience it has been this year - I have learned a lot about myself - but whatโ€™s even been better has been the stories you have shared with me after reading the books and how you implemented the concepts into your life. I could not have done it without using a couple of the tenants of the B3 Method myself:

1 - Enjoying the learning journey - I talk a lot about being a beginner again as an adult and how hard it is. The past couple of years have put me in that place over and over again while writing these books. Although I write articles and technical financial books in my career, I have never authored a book of ideas and concepts to help people. Although I have been a speaker for over 20 years, I have never done a TEDx Talk that had to be rehearsed, scripted and timed. Many times through the process of learning how to do all this I felt a little lost in all the had to get done with deadlines looming. I threw out what I wrote many times before getting to the final versions of the books and the TEDx Talk that I did. But as I discuss in the B3Method and Integrative Advisory Services, learning a new skill and/or breaking old habits - especially as an adult - is hard. I kept focusing on the final outcome I wanted, remembered to breathe along the way as I learned from the process. I am so happy I didnโ€™t give up and I kept pushing forward. I have grown and learned so much from all the experts and coaches that provided guidance to me along the way. I have so much gratitude for them.

2 - The support of the community around me - Without people rallying around these 2 books and getting excited about them - they would never have gotten the traction they have received. It is so amazing to hear how people have used the ideas from the books in their own lives - I fill up with happiness every time someone shares a story with me about how they made a change based on what they read or heard me speak about. The pictures here are a sampling of the smiling faces that have supported my mission to get these messages out in the world. I also canโ€™t imagine how I could have done without the support and encouragement of my husband, my children and so many friends that believe in the messages I was trying to get out into the world and supported me along the way. Nothing is ever done completely on our own - its the community around us that lifts us up and provides us the inspiration to keep striving to reach our aspirations.

I wish all of you Happy Holidays and thank you for helping to support me in getting the message out to put the soul back into business and live our lives authentically!

#businessbalancebliss #cherishedadvisor


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