Episode 105: B3 Break 24: Saying No
Does looking at your calendar make you feel stressed? Are you constantly worried about the number of meetings you have yet to attend? In today’s B3 Break, take two minutes to change your mindset around the word “no.” Amy Vetter is here to help you step back, look at your calendars, and determine the things you should prioritize more. Listen in and discover how saying no can be the healthiest thing you do for yourself and those around you.
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B3 Break 24: Saying No
For our B3 Break, I want to talk about saying no. No can often be the most empowering and compassionate thing that you can do for yourself and those people around you. When we look at our calendar in the morning and start seeing that half an hour after half an hour, or hour after hour is stacked with meetings, we start feeling stress is rising up in our bodies. That is the moment that we need to step back, look at our calendar and ask what we can say no to as long as we're looking at prioritization and making sure that we are keeping the most important meetings on our schedule.
Saying No: It's really important that you figure out where you can get those blocks of time, even if you have nothing to do, just to reset.
It is also looking at what does it steal from us today because we have certain work that we need to get done. Maybe I want to do something, but is it necessary for us to do it so that we can conserve our energy and make sure that we’re making a positive impact on the people around us? If we feel like that test cannot be met with a certain meeting, that is the time to say no to that meeting today and maybe reschedule it for tomorrow, the next day or whenever else it may work.
“Saying no can often be the most empowering and compassionate thing that you can do for yourself and the people around you.”
I have the same issue that I want to do everything and please people. It's important that we figure out where we can get those blocks of time just to reset, even if we have nothing to do. The thing is when we start going from meeting to meeting and doing things that are taking from our energy, we don't show up to those meetings in the way that we want. We often leave those meetings feeling that we were not at our best. Take a look at your calendar each morning and ask yourself, "What can I say no to?" Even if it's a goal of one meeting or one thing a day that you are going to release from your schedule so that you can get the things done that you need to do. Feel better about the way that you show up so you can be better for the people around you.