Episode 65: B3 Breaks: Mid-Week Meditation Escape!
Consistent connection and de-stressing are truly essential needs in this time of remote setup. What better way to maintain your mindfulness through a mid-week meditation escape? In today’s B3 Break, take six minutes with Amy Vetter to go on a trip in your mind to your favorite body of water - lake or beach - or choose your own favorite place! Find calm and a feeling of joy during this meditation that can reset your day and help you re-energize to get through the rest of this week!
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Episode 64: B3 Breaks: Mid-Week Meditation Escape!
This series is all about getting honest with ourselves and noticing the things that we carry with us. We each have our own life experiences to go from. Sometimes, it's hard to truly understand what it's like to be someone else, but we can do to create change the start with us. If each of us took one action each day in our own lives, we can collectively change the world around us, but what does it take? It takes work and practice. We have to be honest with ourselves as we get there. To do that, we have these B3 Breaks in order to pause and assess our thoughts before we speak to take an honest look at our interactions in our day and the energy that we may be creating around us.
We ask other people questions and learn their stories and experiences. We create positive energy with the people around us and find peaceful ways to show our support to our friends, our family acquaintances. We observe all of this without judgment. We are present with the people we are with, and we show up in love. What can we do? We start with the little things. This series is all about short practices that you can put into your day, practice this each day for 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, whatever it takes, so that you can observe your energy and be intentional with the energy you create around it. If you believe you can, you will.
None of us thought this was going to go as long as it has, but we have been set up ready to go. We have 22 classes a week running, and for the most part, it seems to be running pretty smoothly. Everyone's been flexible and being open to all the new ways we are connecting. Our teaching, as well as the practitioners, still having that human connection has been so important in getting through these times. Even more importantly is keeping up your yoga practice, and we've seen lots of consistency with those of you engaged coming to keep up with your yoga practice. Mind-body connection is important for our health, and to also make sure that we're de-stressing and taking time away from all the noise is important as well.
One of the things at the studio that we still need is new students coming to learn about yoga and starting their yoga practice. We want to try a new virtual challenge with you that would give you a little bit of incentive to refer people and to try these virtual classes. If you refer someone and they buy a class pass or a class package, you will be entered into a raffle for a virtual challenge. Our consigner in our studio is nicely giving some of their beautiful art as prizes each week. For every class you attend, you'll be entered in the raffle. That is live virtual classes that you register for, you will be entered in, as well as if you refer someone new that comes in to buy a class pass or a class package, you will also be entered into the raffle for that week as well.
Mid-Week Meditation Escape: The mind-body connection is important for health. It is also essential to make sure that you are de-stressing and taking time away from all the noise.
Each week, we'll let you know what those prizes are for the week. We have beautiful artists and craftspeople that bring stuff into our studio to share with all of you. We're happy to be able to promote them through this challenge as well. We know all of these times are challenging. We want to be there for you, and we will continue to think of different offerings that we can do virtually. We're coming up with workshops that we can do virtually as well, where you can attend those and keep increasing your knowledge. We also will have a new teacher training starting in July 2021. We had a teacher training weekend for existing teacher trainers. We did the entire thing online. Everyone was engaged. It was this great conversation and connection, and we were able to accomplish everything we need to accomplish.
Don't let that stop you. If you want to sign up for teacher training starting this summer of 2021, we have the registration open now. Deb is always open to talk to you if you have questions on it. Email us at the studio, Info@DrishtiqYoga.com, if you're interested in teacher training and we will get that information out to you. For the most part, we want to thank you for still showing up, still supporting the studio. It's been great to have the community stay together through this time and be able to connect, learn about your kids, your pets, whatever it may be that comes across that video. Also, in this time, if you can bring new people into the studio, we would love to see new faces as well, bring them into the community. Thanks again. We appreciate you. Namaste.
Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read. I hope you will take a moment to pause before entering back into your day to reflect on this show and note one to two actions you were inspired to do from this episode that you could incorporate into your life. For daily inspiration, follow me on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, @AmyVetterCPA. I hope you will choose to like this and subscribe to this show on iTunes, Spotify and more, so that you can join us for more inspiration on our next episode.
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Twitter – Amy Vetter
Facebook – Amy Vetter
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@AmyVetterCPA on Instagram
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