Episode 77: B3 Breaks: Creating Your Calendar Cadence
Are you going from meeting to meeting, never leaving your desk, getting more stressed out by the minute? In today’s B3 Break, take three minutes to think about how you can create your calendar cadence according to your energy levels! Amy Vetter explains in this episode why you should be more aware of your energy shifts throughout the day. If you’re not self-aware, you run the risk of not showing your best self possible. Listen in and eliminate that risk entirely!
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B3 Breaks: Creating Your Calendar Cadence
This series is all about getting honest with ourselves and noticing the things that we carry with us. We each have our own life experiences to go from and sometimes it's hard to truly understand what it's like to be someone else. What we can do to create change is to start with ourselves. If each of us took one action each day in our own lives, we can collectively change the world around us, but what does it take? It takes work and practice. We have to be honest with ourselves as we get there. To do that, we have these B3 Breaks in order to pause and assess our thoughts before we speak to take an honest look at our interactions in our day and the energy that we may be creating around us.
We ask other people questions and learn their stories and experiences. We create positive energy with the people around us and find peaceful ways to show our support to our friends, our family and acquaintances. We observe all of this without judgment. We are present with the people we are with and we show up in love. What can we do? We start with the little things. This series is all about short practices that you can put into your day. Practice this each day just for 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes or whatever it takes, so that you can observe your energy and be intentional with the energy you create around you because if you believe you can, you will.
Our B3 Break is all about managing your calendar. Maybe you've been home for a week or more than a week. This is a perfect time after this change in work to go back and review what has worked and not worked from you working at home. A lot of times, what happens is we're going from meeting to meeting, not getting up from our desk. We start getting more stressed out. What we can do is take an inventory of how our energy shifts throughout the day and then better organize our calendar based on that. With me, I've got the most energy when I wake up. That means I need to dedicate time to workout or do the things that are singular-focused, where it's just my own work that needs to get done in the morning. My energy shifts through the day where I might not be in a high level of energy in the afternoon. That's when I need to make sure I'm scheduling the video meetings and meeting with other people to keep my energy up. In addition, it's important to take breaks between those meetings so that you can reset as you go.
Calendar Cadence: Dedicate time for things that you need to do for self-care to make sure that you show up in the best way possible.
Taking that inventory of your energy is important and being vigilant about it. What happens is you dedicate time for things that you need to do for self-care to make sure that you show up in the best way possible. You start giving that time away because somebody put a calendar appointment on your schedule and you decide, "That time was for me. I'm going to let that go." You then show up with a lot of angst during that meeting, which might not be the way that you wanted to show up in the first place. What you can do is start controlling your calendar better and letting someone know, “I can't meet at that time,” but give them alternate times. There are great tools out there like Calendly where you can have it integrated with your calendar, send a link to people so that they can schedule times that are available. That way they're not scheduling over the times that you have blocked on your calendar.
What you block on your calendar is your business. What happens is we show up better in those meetings for ourselves when we make sure that we take the time that we need to either do the activities that are still important to us or get the work done that we need to do individually so we don't get more stressed out or work too many hours. Take this time now. Review your work. Review your week. Understand what worked well, what didn't work well, what could you do differently next week and start making a plan of how you're going to reorganize your calendar so that you're better set to be present with the people around you and show up the way that you want.
Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read the blog. I hope you will take a moment to pause before entering back into your day to reflect on this episode and note 1 to 2 actions you are inspired to do from this conversation that you could incorporate into your life. For daily inspiration, follow me on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn @AmyVetterCPA. I hope that you will choose to like this and subscribe to this show on iTunes, Spotify and more so that you can join us for more inspiration on our next episode.
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