How to Stop Rushing and Start Designing the Future You Want

How to Stop Rushing and Start Designing the Future You Want

We always have something to do. We have a list of tasks we need to finish, places to go, and people to see. We make a living by doing things and spend our free time always looking ahead to the next item on our list. 

The pace of modern life can often be overwhelming, but it needn't preclude you from achieving your goals. One way to combat fast-paced lifestyles is to view them holistically.

The key to success is to take a step back and look at things from a higher perspective. A bird's-eye view will allow you to see the big picture of your life and work. From this vantage point, you can identify your strengths and weaknesses more efficientlyโ€”and then use those insights to make decisions that will help move your life forward in the direction of your dreams.

Where can you simplify?

Take two minutes out of your day to reflect on where you can simplify and streamline to create the future you want. To practice, carefully think and write down the answers to the following:

  • What are some of the things that are causing you stress?

  • What is one thing that you could let go of right now?

  • What's something that's been on your mind that would make life easier if you got it done?

Pause. Take a deep breath.

If we keep rushing forward, we will never take the time to stop, pause and make sure that we are designing the future we want.

Think about now is where you can slow down to speed up and maybe even take a break. It could be painting, photography, listening to music, or whatever helps you to give yourself some space and pause.

Get back down to business basics.

What areas of your business can you simplify to get back to the basics? Ask yourself:

  • What are my top priorities?

  • How can I simplify my life or career by focusing on these priorities?

  • What activities can I eliminate, delegate or automate so I have more time for what matters most?

The more we take the time to consider the future instead of just rushing toward it, eyes closed, the better off we will be in the long run. Think about what you want your future to look like, then use that as a driving force in your own career and creative endeavors. You won't regret it.


Be Open, Honest, and Transparent With The People Around You


Don't Let Your Circumstances Define Your Expectations