Be Open, Honest, and Transparent With The People Around You

Be Open, Honest, and Transparent With The People Around You

We all have good days and bad days. It can be hard to be transparent with ourselves or others about what we are going through during those bad days for fear of judgment. On the days when we're not feeling great or it's hard, we must allow ourselves to be open and honest with the people around us about how we are feeling.

Create an atmosphere of openness and transparency, both personally and professionally, and allow the people around you to give their ideas and feedback on how you can operate going forward. Openness breeds empathy and understanding on both sides and is vital for any strong relationship.

Be open about what you know AND what you don't know.

When I started working, I was so afraid of being wrong or looking stupid in front of others that I would clam up when asked for my opinion about something. If I was not 100% sure of my answer, it would show how little I knew, and people would think less of me. The truth is that everyone feels this way sometimes, but they usually don't let their fear stop them from asking questions or sharing their ideas with others. 

Openly admitting that you don't know something is not only okay โ€” it's encouraged! It shows confidence and willingness to learn from others. You'll also find that people will often be willing to help out when they see an opportunity for growth in one another (and maybe even themselves).

Be honest about how much time and energy you have to give.

If someone comes to you with a great but intensive idea and asks for your input on it, don't feel like you have to say yes. It's okay if you don't have time or resources for something. It's better for everyone if you can be upfront about your limitations than if you try and do something beyond your capabilities or interest level only. You'll likely end up frustrated by its failure later down the road (and maybe even resentful of the person who made the request).

Ask for help as needed.

I am a firm believer in asking for help when you need it. Being open and honest with those around you doesn't mean you have to tell them everything happening in your life at any given time. But when something difficult comes up, like a stressful situation or a bout of depression, it's important that you're able to ask for help if you need it. Remember, there is no shame in asking for help! We all need support in different ways, at different times, and from different people at various stages in our lives.

Getting caught up in the idea of "keeping it together" and being a "strong" independent adult is easy. That's especially true when we're feeling low, which can make us feel like opening up will mean feeling weak or having less control over our lives. But here's the kicker: no one has perfect days every day or a perfect life on their best days. It is normal (and healthy!) to be vulnerable and honest with others about how you're feeling

This is easier said than done, to be sure. But the more you can work towards this, the better the relationships in your life will likely be. Plus, many people around you probably have had bad days, too. There's no point in suffering alone in silence. After all, we're all human, and we all make mistakes. Openness and honesty are vital for any strong relationship.


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