INSIGHTS on Leadership, Well-Being & Joy
Work-Life Harmony | Habit Change | Connected Leader | Business Balance Bliss | Personal Purpose | Mindfulness | B3 Breaks
Embarking on the Journey of Connected Leadership®: The Synergy of Business, Balance, and Bliss
I find myself reflecting on a universal truth we're all intimately familiar with—change, with its uncanny knack of invoking a spectrum of emotions from exhilaration to apprehension. Through years of consulting with professionals from all walks of life…
Do the Right Thing: How Good People Do Good Business
Placing principle over profits can lead to dedicated employees and customer loyalty.
3 Life Lessons I Wish I Knew a Decade Ago
The writer and professor Morris Kline once said, "the most fertile source of insight is hindsight." It's hard to dispute that. So taking a cue from Kline, here are three sources of insight I'd like to tell my younger self.
Pacing Yourself
Exercise has always been a way to balance my busy life – whether when I was a student in school, in a public accounting firm or running my businesses over the years. I love all forms of exercise, but I am most passionate about yoga, spinning and running in my life as a way to release stress and be ready to take on each day.
Getting Back to our Roots
I had an interesting experience in my yoga class. The instructor was playing random music from Pandora, and chose a classical station to end our practice with. What she didn't realize when she turned on this station was how it affected me. I immediately went back to being a teenager as soon as I heard the first piece play.