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When Resolutions Don’t Work
Eighty percent of the New Year’s resolution gym crowd drops off by the second week of February per a study from the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association. This is why I don’t believe in resolutions because most don’t last. But the new year can be a good reminder to start making ongoing commitments to yourself -- which can happen any time of the year and should be an ongoing process.
Choosing to be Positive
Have you ever found yourself feeding off of someone else’s negative energy? Or, have you found yourself avoiding a person because of the negativity they bring into every conversation.
As humans, we often hold on to negative thoughts and experiences more than the positive ones? Why is that?
Culture Police
I’ve worked for companies big and small. I’ve started businesses, sold businesses, and I’ve become an entrepreneur. And among the many incredibly important things I’ve learned through all of my experiences, there’s one common thread that stands out when I think about what works.
When Resolutions Don’t Work
Eighty percent of the New Year’s resolution gym crowd drops off by the second week of February per a study from the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association. This is why I don’t believe in resolutions because most don’t last. But the new year can be a good reminder to start making ongoing commitments to yourself -- which can happen any time of the year and should be an ongoing process.
3 Ways to Create and Maintain New Habits per Science
They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks--but can you? Much of our work is made up of habits. In fact, one study found that habits account for 40 percent of our daily behavior. Some of these are good ones that keep you productive and efficient, but others, well, they can be time killers and energy drainers.