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Leading with Purpose: How to Become a Connected Leader in Your Organization
We've all experienced it—ascending the corporate hierarchy, achieving objectives, and receiving the well-deserved praise that accompanies these milestones.
Staying true to yourself
No matter what industry or profession you’re in, there will come a time when simply doing the work won’t cut it. If you’re truly in search of professional growth, you have to put yourself in a position where others can see you and hear what you have to offer in the way you want them to. Now more than ever, we have the opportunity to become visible to a large audience by way of the internet and connections we make therein, and it would be unfortunate to miss the opportunity for lack of branding expertise.
Upcoming Contest! Win a Signed Copy of Amy Vetter’s New Book
Share the video of Amy's TEDx talk when it's released with your followers to inspire them on how to create more balance in their busy lives and achieve work-life harmony.
Life Lessons from the Women in My Family
When I was young, my mother hung a plaque above my bed. It said: “Don’t tell your daughter to marry a doctor or lawyer, tell her to be one.” I ended up becoming a CPA, but regardless, the confidence that my mom tried to instill in me early on as a little girl has benefited me throughout my career and life.
Let Your Imperfections Guide You
Learning to see and accept your imperfections is not always easy. I am someone who tries my hardest to do my best at everything I do. When it turns out that no matter how hard I try I’m mediocre at something, accepting that is not always easy.