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To Get Customers To Love Your Business, Do This
Recently, I had a fantastic customer service experience with Delta that encapsulates an example of what a business should do to breed genuine affinity among their customers.
Why Your Ego Is the Biggest Obstacle You’ll Face As an Entrepreneur
There are lots of different reasons why people start businesses. Among the motivations for starting something new is the desire to do your own thing and be your own boss because of an interest or a talent you want to spend your life enhancing.
Don't Delude Yourself: 3 Things You Must Know Before Starting a Business
A lot of people dream of starting a business one day. A lot of people talk about it and think about it, but not everyone takes the leap. Entrepreneurship certainly isn’t for everyone, but if you have an idea you really want to pursue or just really want to see if you can rise to the occasion of building a company…