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Amy Vetter Amy Vetter

When Resolutions Don’t Work

Eighty percent of the New Year’s resolution gym crowd drops off by the second week of February per a study from the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association. This is why I don’t believe in resolutions because most don’t last. But the new year can be a good reminder to start making ongoing commitments to yourself -- which can happen any time of the year and should be an ongoing process.

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Amy Vetter Amy Vetter

When Resolutions Don’t Work

Eighty percent of the New Year’s resolution gym crowd drops off by the second week of February per a study from the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association. This is why I don’t believe in resolutions because most don’t last. But the new year can be a good reminder to start making ongoing commitments to yourself -- which can happen any time of the year and should be an ongoing process.

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Amy Vetter Amy Vetter

Creating a Support System

Almost 10 years ago, when my son started playing guitar, I decided I was going to get back to my love for music - and rock & roll for that matter - by starting to learn guitar with him. Then my younger son began to learn vocals and drums. Soon my husband wanted to be a part of it too, and he began learning the keyboard and drums. Now…we are the Vettinaterz!

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