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Want Top Mentors To Desire Working With You? Do This
The importance of having mentors is well established. I have had various mentors through my career and have assembled an "advisory board" to help me navigate my professional path when it's needed. These individuals have been extremely valuable in helping me get from where I am to where I want to be.
Fear is an Illusion
I have been a speaker for the majority of my career. Mostly what I have spoken about has had to do with business, technology, accounting and finance topics. This year I decided to stretch myself by not only writing a book that incorporates my work-life personal stories, but putting myself out there on a TEDx stage to talk about what I have learned on this journey. Little did I know that there was fear inside me to do this.
Want to be a Better Manager? Start by Scrapping Generational Stereotypes and Get to Know Your Employees Instead.
It's almost impossible to have a discussion about management or workplace culture without talking about different generations, how they differ, and the things they prefer.
How to Overcome Self-Doubt as an Entrepreneur
I probably don't need to tell you that business is tough. Results don't just happen and there is no such thing as an overnight success. Sometimes it takes at least 10 years to see real success, and in many cases, it probably takes even longer than that.
What I Learned From My TEDx Talk Experience
My @tedxcinnati video of my talk: Disconnect to Connect (below) was just released this past weekend on YouTube. This experience was truly life changing for me personally and as a speaker.
How To Become the Kind of Boss Employees Will Love
For the most part, great leaders evolve. They aren't made in a single moment, and rarely, if ever, is a person born with the knowledge and skill to be a transformative leader. In fact, there's lots of evidence that we can be coached to great leadership.
Feel Like an Imposter? 3 Strategies for Conquering Those Moments When You Just Don’t Feel Good Enough
You've heard of Imposter Syndrome, right? That all-too-common psychological response causing you to feel inadequate and believe you lack the skills to succeed. Women are no stranger to this feeling, but men aren't immune either.
Need a Productivity Boost? Create a Workspace that Inspires and Empowers You
There are a lot of things you can learn from working in different environments. One key lesson is the importance of a well designed space -- this will be especially clear to those of you who have worked in spaces at opposite ends of the spectrum.
Upcoming Contest! Win a Signed Copy of Amy Vetter’s New Book
Share the video of Amy's TEDx talk when it's released with your followers to inspire them on how to create more balance in their busy lives and achieve work-life harmony.
Do You Know How to Truly Listen? Here's How and Why It's Critical to Your Success
Listening or more precisely, active listening, is one of the most important skills you can develop as a leader. The importance of listening as it pertains to leadership is summed up in that quote, "Good leaders listen first and speak second."
How To Do More in Less Time (Hint: It’s a Mindset Shift)
How many hours did you work last week? How about the week before that? Without knowing anything about you -- other than the fact that you’re reading Entrepreneur -- I can guess it was probably more than 40. A lot more.
Keep Your Kids and Your Business Separate? Here’s Why You’re Doing it Wrong.
A lot of companies do some variation of the "Bring Your Kid To Work Day." It's a great idea -- it's a fun office activity that helps you to get to know your coworkers a little more personally, and it offers kids an opportunity to glimpse the working world.
Scared to Make a Change? 3 Reasons Why You Should Push Yourself to Do That New Thing
Think back on the times in your life when you've grown -- either personally or professionally -- the most. Often, the catalyst for that growth had to do with starting over. Whether it's by your own design or due to circumstances beyond your control…
How to Make Yourself More Interesting and Relatable in Business and Life
If there's one thing I think has the power to positively affect your life, it's the pursuit of a carefully chosen hobby
When you see me in a corporate setting or when I'm on stage speaking, your first thought probably isn't: This woman plays bass guitar. But I do.
Why Working Less is Mission Critical for Better Work
It's no secret that Americans work a lot. According to the results of a 2016 study by researchers in the U.S., Canada and Germany, the average person in Europe works 19 percent less than the average person in the U.S., which comes out to about 258 fewer hours per year.
Afraid You're in the Wrong Job? How to Pivot Your Skills, Not Start Over
Career transitions are a regular part of the trajectory of being a modern professional.
Lots of different estimates exist for how frequently the average person changes jobs, but data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics found that Baby Boomers had changed jobs about 11 times by the time they hit age 40.
What I Learned About Entrepreneurship From Watching My Family Members
There's an ongoing debate about whether entrepreneurs are made or born. Can you learn to be a great entrepreneur? If so, what's the best way to learn how to create an amazing business?
What Does a Good Day Look Like for You? Why Entrepreneurs Need to Know.
How do you know if you’re having a good day?
On the surface this sounds like a simple question, but a lot of people have no idea how to answer. It’s not something they spend a lot of time analyzing. But as an entrepreneur, it’s essential to have a very clear answer.
Don't Delude Yourself: 3 Things You Must Know Before Starting a Business
A lot of people dream of starting a business one day. A lot of people talk about it and think about it, but not everyone takes the leap. Entrepreneurship certainly isn’t for everyone, but if you have an idea you really want to pursue or just really want to see if you can rise to the occasion of building a company…
'No One Can Do It Like I Can' and Other Myths Entrepreneurs Need to Stop Believing
When you think about it, it’s kind of jaw-dropping how much perception shapes the world. As a CPA, I’m a number’s woman, but even I see that in business, as in life, a lot is open to interpretation.
Your thoughts shape how you see things and accordingly, they shape your actions.