INSIGHTS on Leadership, Well-Being & Joy
Work-Life Harmony | Habit Change | Connected Leader | Business Balance Bliss | Personal Purpose | Mindfulness | B3 Breaks
Afraid You're in the Wrong Job? How to Pivot Your Skills, Not Start Over
Career transitions are a regular part of the trajectory of being a modern professional.
Lots of different estimates exist for how frequently the average person changes jobs, but data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics found that Baby Boomers had changed jobs about 11 times by the time they hit age 40.
What I Learned About Entrepreneurship From Watching My Family Members
There's an ongoing debate about whether entrepreneurs are made or born. Can you learn to be a great entrepreneur? If so, what's the best way to learn how to create an amazing business?
What Does a Good Day Look Like for You? Why Entrepreneurs Need to Know.
How do you know if you’re having a good day?
On the surface this sounds like a simple question, but a lot of people have no idea how to answer. It’s not something they spend a lot of time analyzing. But as an entrepreneur, it’s essential to have a very clear answer.
Don't Delude Yourself: 3 Things You Must Know Before Starting a Business
A lot of people dream of starting a business one day. A lot of people talk about it and think about it, but not everyone takes the leap. Entrepreneurship certainly isn’t for everyone, but if you have an idea you really want to pursue or just really want to see if you can rise to the occasion of building a company…
'No One Can Do It Like I Can' and Other Myths Entrepreneurs Need to Stop Believing
When you think about it, it’s kind of jaw-dropping how much perception shapes the world. As a CPA, I’m a number’s woman, but even I see that in business, as in life, a lot is open to interpretation.
Your thoughts shape how you see things and accordingly, they shape your actions.
3 Life Lessons I Wish I Knew a Decade Ago
The writer and professor Morris Kline once said, "the most fertile source of insight is hindsight." It's hard to dispute that. So taking a cue from Kline, here are three sources of insight I'd like to tell my younger self.
The Art of Delivering Feedback in a Supportive Way
If there's one thing all management experience has taught me, it's that feedback is one of the most important parts of the relationship between an employer and employee. It is also one of the most complicated--especially when it comes to critical feedback.
How Women Can Be Bold
Today, March 8th, is International Women’s Day. The theme is Be Bold for Change. This day is a call for each one of us -- men and women -- to help forge a better working world for women.
Life Lessons from the Women in My Family
When I was young, my mother hung a plaque above my bed. It said: “Don’t tell your daughter to marry a doctor or lawyer, tell her to be one.” I ended up becoming a CPA, but regardless, the confidence that my mom tried to instill in me early on as a little girl has benefited me throughout my career and life.
Let Your Imperfections Guide You
Learning to see and accept your imperfections is not always easy. I am someone who tries my hardest to do my best at everything I do. When it turns out that no matter how hard I try I’m mediocre at something, accepting that is not always easy.
How to Help Employees Reduce Stress
“Fasten your oxygen mask before assisting others” is an all-too-familiar instruction that many of us tune out when waiting for our flight to take off. But this sage advice can not only save you in an emergency, it can save you in life and as an entrepreneur.
3 Ways to Make Starting a Business Less Stressful
I’m a third-generation entrepreneur and have launched and sold multiple businesses. I’m also a CPA who regularly advises business owners on their finances and business operations. Over the years, I’ve seen how excessive stress affects entrepreneurs, myself included.
Feeling the Moments
Each day we walk through the routine of life, wake up..take care of responsibilities at work and, and do it all over again the next day. Many times, It's not until an extreme event happens in our lives, that we wake up and appreciate the routine, have gratitude that we have able or healthy bodies to be able to do these things, and feel.
Cherishing the Present Moment
A few years back I went to a colleague's brother's funeral to support him in his time of loss. I had never met his brother before, but after attending his funeral, his life did make an impact on me from that day forward.
How to Find Work-Life Harmony as an Entrepreneur
Many of us know what the "law of diminishing returns" is, but we forget about this once we start a business. For those that have forgotten…the law of diminishing returns is when we eventually reach a point that additional work will not create a better outcome, or you become less efficient.
Believe in Your Vision
I remember I was on a trip to Florida with my family in high school driving down a street by the ocean viewing one amazing home after another. My mom said to me that it must be nice to have a home that beautiful.
Pacing Yourself
Exercise has always been a way to balance my busy life – whether when I was a student in school, in a public accounting firm or running my businesses over the years. I love all forms of exercise, but I am most passionate about yoga, spinning and running in my life as a way to release stress and be ready to take on each day.
Getting Back to our Roots
I had an interesting experience in my yoga class. The instructor was playing random music from Pandora, and chose a classical station to end our practice with. What she didn't realize when she turned on this station was how it affected me. I immediately went back to being a teenager as soon as I heard the first piece play.
Looking Forward, Not Down
My son has a few requests of poses that we do during a yoga practice when he comes to my class - one of them being Bakasana or Crow pose. This pose appears to be based on strength as you lift your knees to balance on your triceps without falling forward. However, the key to this pose is not muscle, it is your Drishti, or gaze.
Breaking our Patterns
Breaking the patterns that we have takes courage to first admit to ourselves we have them and then second to take the actions we need to change.