INSIGHTS on Leadership, Well-Being & Joy
Work-Life Harmony | Habit Change | Connected Leader | Business Balance Bliss | Personal Purpose | Mindfulness | B3 Breaks
Hit Rock Bottom in Your Career or Business? Words of Wisdom From Those Who’ve Been There
These three lessons from those who have been there can show you the best way out.
Bringing All The Different Sides of You Together As One
Do you see the person that you are to the outside world or do you see your inner self? Many times we go through life separating who we are in our professional and personal life. We can find ourselves being one type of person at work, a different person with our family, with our friends or even maybe when we are by ourselves.
Will They Stay or Will They Go?: How to Strengthen Your Client Relationship So Customers Will Stay With You For the Long Haul
These four tips can help keep your customers happy and loyal.
Think Like a Wild Animal: These 3 Tips Can Help You Focus Your Energy and Attention
Channel your inner wild animal for greater focus at work.
Unlocking Your Creativity Takes Discipline
Whether I’m painting, writing, or playing a new song on the guitar, I’ve always found peace and solace in the arts. But like most creative people, there have often been times where I simply can’t find the inspiration to put paint to paper, or pick to strings. As someone who values work-life harmony and building bliss in all spheres of my life, it can be particularly difficult when my creative outlets feel less accessible.
Follow Me Please! What to Look For When Hiring Social Media Help For Your Business.
The New York Times recently reported how many companies, brand ambassadors, celebrities, and even journalists purchased "fake" Twitter followers as a means to inflate their social media numbers. Many claimed to be pressured by social media firms, but the results were a PR black-eye that could possibly damage their public reputation.
Do the Right Thing: How Good People Do Good Business
Placing principle over profits can lead to dedicated employees and customer loyalty.
Wise Quotes From 5 Greek Philosophers When You Need Guidance in Business and Life
Greek philosophers taught valuable lessons on how to live that are still powerful today to keep us motivated in our business.
Here are my five favorite ancient words of wisdom and how you could utilize them for today:
Choosing to be Positive
Have you ever found yourself feeding off of someone else’s negative energy? Or, have you found yourself avoiding a person because of the negativity they bring into every conversation.
As humans, we often hold on to negative thoughts and experiences more than the positive ones? Why is that?
Top TEDx Talks on How Artificial Intelligence Improves Your Business and Life
When someone says, "artificial intelligence," or AI, no doubt the image that comes to mind is J.A.R.V.I.S, Ironman's computerized right-hand man, or one of the human-like hosts in Westworld. But from a technology perspective, AI is perhaps our greatest business friend and partner.
Staying true to yourself
No matter what industry or profession you’re in, there will come a time when simply doing the work won’t cut it. If you’re truly in search of professional growth, you have to put yourself in a position where others can see you and hear what you have to offer in the way you want them to. Now more than ever, we have the opportunity to become visible to a large audience by way of the internet and connections we make therein, and it would be unfortunate to miss the opportunity for lack of branding expertise.
“Give ‘Em the Pickle!”: How to Keep Your Business and Employees Focused on What's Important
A company's mission statement tells you why they do what they do. They are often short, punchy, with plenty of actions words that provide a sense of direction and help the company stand out in a crowded market.
Setting Goals With Grace
Did you know fashion designer Vera Wang started her label at the age of 40? However you define success, getting there is never a guarantee, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give it a try. Any of us, whether parenting, going back to school, climbing a corporate ladder, or starting a business of their own, can speak of challenges and discouraging moments, but that is what makes the journey all the more interesting.
Learn From Failure: These 3 Strategies Show How to Use Failure to Create Future Success
Name a successful person and odds are he or she has a deep history of failure.
5 Ways to Accomplish Any Business Goal You Desire
Many of us routinely set personal goals -- we may want to get in better shape, save more money, or learn a new skill.
Don’t Let Business Travel Ground You: 5 Ways to Stay Energized and Balanced
Traveling is part of doing business, but many trips can disrupt your work-life balance by putting your normal work schedule and personal routines out of whack.
Personal Success
What does success mean to you? Do you have a picture-perfect vision of what that success will look like? Have you talked about your goals with others?
Waiting for the Compliment that Never Comes? 5 Ways to Start Practicing Self-Gratitude Instead
They say it's always better to give than to receive. While that may be true for the most part, it doesn't always apply to gratitude.
Do This One Simple Thing to Win the Hearts and Minds of Your Employees
We often think of giving thanks to those around us during the holidays. But giving gratitude to your employees and team members should not be a one-time event. It should be practiced year-round.
Confidence Training
Biofeedback is an emerging field of study that links psychological functions with physiological and neurological metrics. That might sound like a whole bunch of jargon, but it’s actually a pretty simple concept. When you’re stressed, for example, your heart rate and the brain waves you emit are a lot different than when you’re relaxed. What biofeedback does is allow you to recognize, with more than just a feeling, the state of your mind and body and how they relate to your performance. In the coming years, you can expect biofeedback to go from niche concern to widespread trend.