INSIGHTS on Leadership, Well-Being & Joy

Work-Life Harmony | Habit Change | Connected Leader | Business Balance Bliss | Personal Purpose | Mindfulness | B3 Breaks

Amy Vetter Amy Vetter

How To Make Your Job Work For You, Not Against You

A job is not just a place where you earn a living. It should be a place where you feel valued and respected. It should develop your skills, challenge you, and make you feel valued. If your job doesn't do that, it's time to think about something different!

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Amy Vetter Amy Vetter

Four Ways Flextime Benefits Businesses And Employees

Running a business can be difficult. Distractions, unexpected demands, and unplanned crises often cause setbacks and slowdowns at the office. It is no surprise that many companies are trying to find a better way to manage their workflow.

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Amy Vetter Amy Vetter

The Truth About Compressed Work Weeks

In today's competitive job market, many companies are looking for new ways to attract and retain talented employees. Some employers try this by implementing a compressed work week: Employees work fewer days per week but still put in a full 40 hours.

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Amy Vetter Amy Vetter

How to (Re)Fall in Love With Your Job

It's easy to love your job when you're first starting out. You see the potential ahead of you—the new things you'll learn, all the fabulous projects you'll work on, and the fantastic people you will meet.

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Amy Vetter Amy Vetter

Receiving to Replenish

This month is a turning point into the summer meridian. The cold is leaving, and we welcome the warmth of spring turning to summer.

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