Create a company culture that your employees love. With Amy as their guide, your association members will learn how to cultivate greater mindfulness, work-life balance, and connection with their colleagues, clients and themselves.
The topics below are perfect for keynotes and business events/retreats. They scale 1 - 2 hours to a full-day workshop. Add Yoga, Meditation or a Book Discussion for a unique experience.
Business, Balance & Bliss®: How the B³ Method® Can Transform Your Career and Life
(Corporate Culture, Employee Engagement and Innovation topic)
Do you find that your work and daily life can become mechanical or routine? In this session you will uncover how to either rekindle or discover the spark you desire in your career and life. Based on Amy Vetter’s book, Business, Balance & Bliss: How the B³ Method Can Transform Your Career and Life, you will learn valuable insights and tips, backed by scientific research, on how to align your authentic self with the work you do. Expect to come away with the tools and inspiration to: create your own sense of work-life harmony®, uncover your inner talents and passions, learn to be more present and productive at work and home, and gain an understanding of how to develop the technology practices (and boundaries) to put in place to lead a more mindful, connected and fulfilled life.
Learning Objectives:
Learn how to eliminate the stress of trying to achieve work-life balance, by instead creating work-life harmony;
Discover your inner talents and passions and align them with the work you do;
Integrate mindfulness into how you work yourself and with your teams;
Develop healthy technology practices for better human connection;
Become a more empathetic, authentic leader and colleague; and,
Build long-lasting prosperous business relationships.
Disconnect to Connect: Practicing Mindfulness in the Workplace
(Leadership, Personal Development, Employee Engagement topic)
Do you find yourself distracted at work and at home? Do you fear that you are not working to your full potential with your team or as a leader because of workplace misunderstandings? Are you empathetic as a leader and seek to understand others’ perspectives? In this session, we will take a deep dive into understanding where we are off balance in our lives -- both at work and at home -- and how this affects the experience we create with others.
Many of us can feel that we are technically up to speed in what we do; however, we are not living up to our full potential as leaders or co-workers because we lack the skills to mindfully connect with one another. Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present in the current moment and learning how to calmly observe our thoughts and feelings without judgment or action. By learning to disconnect, we can connect in a more intentional, positive way and find common ground with those we work with and care about. Through the daily practice of mindfulness, we can gain a better understanding of where we are off-balance internally so that we can show up better for those around us, be more successful leaders and feel more engaged as an employee.
In this session, you will:
Gain a clear understanding of what mindfulness is and how to practice it;
Learn to evaluate your work-life balance and the work-life balance of your employees;
Understand how to improve employee engagement and well being;
Discover a couple of quick and easy meditation practices for mindfulness in the office;
Learn the most effective office/desk yoga stretches for clarity and focus.
Employee Engagement Speaker Testimonial
“Our firm hired Amy to speak at our annual staff retreat this year. Her team made the planning process seamless. Her presentation brought a unique perspective that sparked engaging conversations and fresh ideas which we are working to implement in our firm. Her unique experience with accounting and technology provides such valuable input for firms looking to grow and expand in the next generation. I believe her content and perspective would be valuable to any business looking to inspire their employees and implement positive change.”
Lauren Fitch, COO, Hannis T. Bourgeois, LLP
Amy has walked in your audience’s shoes. She knows all too well the pressure and level of excellence required when working for a high-performing organization. Based on her own work-life journey starting out at KPMG, becoming a partner at a regional CPA firm, and transitioning to a senior accounting technology leadership role -- all while founding her own yoga studio -- Amy has learned a thing or two about what it takes to advance your career in industry while making work-life balance a key priority. Learn More
The Connected Leader: Creating an Engaged Company Culture in the Digital Age
(Leadership, Employee Engagement, and Change Management topic)
In this age of technology disruption, everything is changing around us. We sometimes can feel like we don’t know where our anchor is - what will stay the same, what will change, and what we can depend on.
We can find that when implementing change in our organization, individual patterns of behavior can show up in ways that prevent the business from making progress and embracing the opportunities ahead. While we are focusing on change management in our organizations and what the future of our work will look like, we should also be spending an equal amount of time creating stronger human connections.
With time and dedication, you can learn to become a connected leader who contributes to cultivating an engaging and fulfilling work-life culture for yourself, your team, and your colleagues.
During this talk, Amy will take you on an emotional journey of self-reflection. You will discover more compassion for yourself and others, be more mindful as a leader, and improve how you communicate to achieve the desired outcomes together as a team.
In this session, you will learn:
How habits and patterns are created in our lives from the time we are young that affect us into our adulthood and the steps to break the ones that don’t serve us;
Understand how the ego develops, influences our work lives, and impacts how well we interact with others;
Ways to change your mindset to overcome negativity and replace it with gratitude; and,
Create more compassion for the people you work with by creating communities of support to break down barriers and achieve the best results for the organization.
Work-life Harmony and Transformation is Possible in the Accounting Profession
(Work-Life Balance, Human Connection, Authentic Leadership topic)
With work compression and staffing capacity issues creating stress in your firms, culture and individuals that work there, the risk of not having bench strength is at all time high. Often the answer given to accountants that are burned out is… “this is just the profession”. However; there is a way to overcome this and change the future of our work to create a workplace that people can create a destination career that not only benefits the firm, but allows them to balance their work and life, and creates a culture where everyone feels they matter and can achieve their dreams. In this session we will discuss the commitment, change process, and investment of time that it takes to transform your workplace so that you can remain a strong and thriving firm into the future.
The purpose of this session is to learn how to transform your workplace as a whole and for your staff by:
Creating a destination career that is unmatched by helping professionals achieve their desired professional and personal goals
Retaining and recruiting staff based on your best-in class culture where no one can imagine working anywhere else
Each person being fulfilled in the work they do for the benefit of themselves and the firm as a whole.
The mission of this engagement is to transform your workplace as a whole and for your staff:
a destination career that is unmatched by helping professionals achieve their desired professional and personal goals
best-in class culture where no one can imagine working anywhere else
each person is fulfilled in the work they do for the benefit of themselves and the firm as a whole.
Disconnect to Connect: Being Authentically You in the Workplace
(Work-Life Balance, Human Connection, Authentic Leadership topic)
We all grow up with certain beliefs - assumptions and convictions that we hold to be true, regarding concepts, events, people, and things. Sometimes these beliefs are so deeply ingrained in who we are that we never even consider questioning them. But what if these beliefs don’t actually align with who we are? Once we break free of the messages in our heads we can then start the journey to Business, Balance & Bliss and to becoming a Connected Leader. Amy Vetter, from The B³ Method Institute, will share insights to help you to uncover what message is ingrained from someone else versus what you truly believe or how you want to show up in the world. Get ready to be courageous, aware, and inquisitive to get to your inner truth.
During this session, Amy will share insights to help you to:
Uncover habits and patterns are created in our lives from the time we are young that affect us into our adulthood and the steps to break the ones that don’t serve us;
Learn how to be courageous, aware, and inquisitive to get to your inner truth that will affect how you show up for yourself, at work as a Connected Leader, and in your personal life.
Understand how the ego develops, influences our work lives, and impacts how well we interact with others.
Ways to change your mindset to overcome negativity and replace it with gratitude; and,
Create more compassion for the people you work with by creating communities of support to break down barriers and achieve the best results for the organization.