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Why Fear Stops Many Americans From Taking a Vacation and What You Can Do About It
We may complain all the time that we need a vacation, but when it comes to actually taking off time, we tend to get cold feet.
The Power of Perseverance
Life is full of challenges. Whether it’s something small like a crossword clue that you just can’t figure out, or a larger issue like a particularly taxing project at work, we all have to deal with problems that frustrate us. When you encounter these difficulties, do you recoil and throw your hands in the air? If so, maybe developing a little more resilience could be a good thing.
Why Science and Top CEOs Say ‘Getting a Life’ Outside of Work Makes You Better at Business
They say all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. And it's true -- hobbies make you more interesting and fun to be around and keep your body and brain rested and renewed.
Everybody Has a Past
Whether your past is marked by privilege and abundance or poverty and struggle, every single one of us has a story to tell. It’s a safe bet that everyone you meet, no matter your first impressions, has gone through tough times. You’re not unique in that way, and it’s important to understand the turbulent nature of the human experience before you can really start to let go and move on.
What Richard Branson and the Dalai Lama Can Tell You About Great Leadership -- It Starts With Saying Nothing at All
One of my favorite quotes comes from the Dalai Lama is: "When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new."
These 4 Tips Can Jump-Start Your Business and Life in 2018
It's never too late to take the time to reflect on our business and life successes and shortcomings, learn from them, and begin to plan for a new (and better) year.
When Resolutions Don’t Work
Eighty percent of the New Year’s resolution gym crowd drops off by the second week of February per a study from the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association. This is why I don’t believe in resolutions because most don’t last. But the new year can be a good reminder to start making ongoing commitments to yourself -- which can happen any time of the year and should be an ongoing process.
3 Ways to Create and Maintain New Habits per Science
They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks--but can you? Much of our work is made up of habits. In fact, one study found that habits account for 40 percent of our daily behavior. Some of these are good ones that keep you productive and efficient, but others, well, they can be time killers and energy drainers.
It Takes a Community
want to take this time to say THANK YOU for your support of getting my stories out this year! This has been a year of pushing myself to try new things and taking risks that were both challenging and stimulating at the same time.
5 Ways to be More Mindful at Work
It's often hard at work to be mindful--the state of fully focusing your awareness on the present moment--when faced with distractions like the constant ping of emails and texts and the fact that we constantly push our brains to the point of fatigue.
How Meditation Can Help You Make Smarter Decisions in Business and Life
Billionaire Marc Benioff does it every day. So does Russell Simmons, Jeff Weiner, and even Arianna Huffington. It's meditation, and these successful people (and many other CEOs just like them) swear that spending a few quite moments with their mind makes them better thinkers and leaders.
5 Habits for a Happier (and Smarter) Brain in Business and Life
Everyone wants happiness, but few know how to get it. But achieving happiness does not have to be such a mystery. You have the power to increase your level of happiness even if you are naturally not an upbeat person or are easily affected by the daily ups and downs of business.
My new book for the accounting industry launches today!
I am excited to announce that TODAY is the launch of my new book, Integrative Advisory Services: Expanding Your Accounting Services Beyond the Cloud, published by John Wiley & Sons. This book was designed for professionals ready to implement advisory services in their accounting, finance and consulting practices.
How Exercise Makes You Smarter
To boost your brain, you also need to boost your body.
As I explained in my previous article, for optimal brain power you need to increase your brain's neuroplasticity--your brain's ability to grow and expand. One way science has shown you can do this is with regular exercise.
Why the Number 7 Plays a Key Role in Your Business Success
Talk to most successful people and most will say that the key to their success lies in the space between their ears.
Your ability to brainstorm, create, remember, communicate, problem-solve, and make crucial decisions is often what separates success from failure. So if you want to invest in your business, and receive the biggest rate of return, then devote resources to your most vital commodity: your brain.
Creating a Support System
Almost 10 years ago, when my son started playing guitar, I decided I was going to get back to my love for music - and rock & roll for that matter - by starting to learn guitar with him. Then my younger son began to learn vocals and drums. Soon my husband wanted to be a part of it too, and he began learning the keyboard and drums. Now…we are the Vettinaterz!
15 Motivational Quotes For When You’re Struggling
Never underestimate the power an inspirational quote has to lift you up! Inspiration can push you further, help you through a time when you're struggling, or simply help put things in perspective and remind you what you're reaching for.
To Get Customers To Love Your Business, Do This
Recently, I had a fantastic customer service experience with Delta that encapsulates an example of what a business should do to breed genuine affinity among their customers.
Why Your Ego Is the Biggest Obstacle You’ll Face As an Entrepreneur
There are lots of different reasons why people start businesses. Among the motivations for starting something new is the desire to do your own thing and be your own boss because of an interest or a talent you want to spend your life enhancing.
Are You an Information Junky? Why This Could be Holding You Back in Business
Many of us talk about doing something new in business. We analyze it and think through the details. We imagine how taking this new direction might affect other areas of our lives. We think, deliberate, and analyze, but never actually do it.