INSIGHTS on Leadership, Well-Being & Joy
Work-Life Harmony | Habit Change | Connected Leader | Business Balance Bliss | Personal Purpose | Mindfulness | B3 Breaks
Finding The Right Accountant Doesn’t Have To Be Taxing
Tax time is arguably the best and worst time for business owners. On the one hand, many entrepreneurs don't want to deal with all the paperwork, and on the other, many realize how behind they got on keeping their accounting records up to date and know they need to make a change for the coming year.
Event Planning for Remote Teams. 5 Best Events to Plan
Technology allows more people and businesses to operate in an online and off-site environment. Workers like the flexibility and companies enjoy the lower cost and higher productivity of remote offices.
Yet this can create an environment of isolation that workers are sometimes eager to escape from. It's no surprise remote workers--especially millennials who make up more of the offsite workforce--want to attend conferences.
Help Employees Check Out to Check in at Work
Do you remember when there were “smoke breaks” during the workday, when employees took at 10-15 minute break from their desk? As a non-smoker, I remember when I began working feeling jealous of those that were able to take this break during the day while I kept plugging away.
I recently was thinking about what those breaks provided to smokers at the time. It gave them a few minutes in their day to walk away from their tasks at hand and get some quiet time.
Find Your Business Soul: 5 Books on How to Build a Company While Sticking to Your Core Values
Many people get into business with a clear vision of what they want to accomplish. This often is based on using specific personal values and principles as a foundation--how you want your business and workplace to conduct itself in terms of employees, customers, the community, and even the world.
Hiring Remote Employees? Here are the Top 3 Tech Tools You Need to Turn Them Into a Team
I have spent most of my career as an entrepreneur and executive working remotely. I've run businesses, meetings, and in-depth projects with people in the same city, from the other side of the country or even around the world--all from the comfort of my home office or wherever I happen to be traveling for business.
5 TEDx Talks on How to be More Mindful in Work and Life
Although we know it's best to be fully present in everything we do throughout the day--it's tough to do this without practice and guidance on how to stay focused.
When we are exposed to so many alerts, notifications, and other electronic distractions, it's easy to lose our ability to pay attention to those around us--co-workers, employees, clients, and even family members. And then there are the everyday stresses and worries of our normal wandering mind.
Right Brain, Bright Future
As technology advances and we become more comfortable with computers and machines doing much of the arithmetic and data-entry the workforce has traditionally done for ourselves, it’s hard to imagine what the future of work will ___, and how we can adapt our skills and education to the new environment.
Take a Page From TOMS Shoes: Lead With Your Story of Why You Do What You Do in Business
Why does your business do what it does?
So often we get away from the main reason we go into business and it can show up in how we communicate to customers and the public. Every business has a personal storyof how it began and it's often based on a personal philosophy or experience.
How Working in 25-minute Segments Can Make You a Better (and Smarter) Worker
My yoga practice has taught me the power of mindfulness and how to train my mind to focus more on the present moment. That level of concentration comes in handy when doing challenging balancing poses and inversions when a wandering mind is like a sudden burst of wind that easily can cause me to topple.
Combating Loneliness at Work
No matter your industry or profession, the modern work environment can be a lonely place. Even if you’re working in a bustling office amid a clamor of people, the interpersonal disconnect can be isolating, and can even lead to the extreme mental exhaustion known as burnout.
Not connecting with people? Improve your listening skills with these 3 tips
Great business leaders have their individual strengths, but one skill they all share is that they are good communicators. And it often begins with being a good listener. It's not about being polite when conversing with someone, but really listening to what people say. This can make you a much more effective business leader.
5 Ways to Set and Accomplish Any Business Goal You Desire
Many times, a new year can be when we are motivated to set new personal goals. We may want to get in better shape, save more money, or learn a new skill.
But what about your business? It deserves the same attention--but unfortunately often gets ignored. In fact, one survey found that more than 80 percent of the 330 business owners surveyed didn't track their business goals.
4 Proven Ways to Accomplish Your Business Goals in 2019
The end of the year is a time to reflect on our business successes and shortcomings, learn from them, and begin to plan for a new (and better) year. When I look back on my articles from this year, what stands out are the topics that people found most interesting and helpful to running their businesses.
These 4 Tips Can Jump-Start Your Business (and Life) Skills in 2019
The end of the year is a time to reflect on our business successes and shortcomings, learn from them, and begin to plan for a new (and better) year. When I look back on my most popular articles, what stands out are the topics that people found most interesting and helpful to running their businesses. So in case you missed them the first time (or need a reminder), here are four tips from some of my top stories that can help you prepare for a more successful 2019.
Overcome the Fear of Change: How to Embrace and Adapt to the Future
Change is hard. It can be messy, challenging, stressful, and worrisome. Despite these hurdles, trying to ignore change is always worse than facing it head on. In our world, a place where technological innovation occurs at an exponential rate, we can try to put our head in the sand pretending things will go back to the way they were, but that’s just not how life works. Embracing change is the only way to carve out a better future for yourself, both professionally and personally.
Do This One Simple Thing to Win the Hearts & Minds of Your Employees
As I previously wrote, the holidays are for showing your appreciation to your employees and team members. But giving gratitude should not be a one-time event. It should be practiced year-round.
Giving gratitude is the right thing to do no matter what, but from a business perspective it's simply good business. If you make your employees happy then your customers will be happy and that makes your business happy. It also can cut down on expensive turnover and improve morale and productivity.
Don’t let your career get stuck in a rut. Here's How.
Everyone strives for that moment when all your hard work and dedication pays off and you can finally sit back and enjoy your work life. Everything gets a little bit easier and you can relish what you have achieved.
Is it Easy to Meditate at Work?
Throughout your day when you catch yourself feeling stressed (or worried about how you’re going to deal with the inevitable stress), take a moment to breath and come back to your relaxed state. Remember the feeling of relaxation you were able to achieve when meditating when you need to throughout the day.
What You Can Learn From Real-Life Wonder Women
When I was a child, my mother placed a plaque above my bed that read, “Don’t tell your daughter to marry a doctor or lawyer. Tell her to be one.”
Protect Your Business Brain by Skipping These 3 Types of Food
The same foods that cause obesity and heart disease are equally bad for your brain.