INSIGHTS on Leadership, Well-Being & Joy

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Amy Vetter Amy Vetter

Lead with Curiosity, Not Fear: 4 Lessons on How to Apply Creativity to Business

There is a lot of similarity between business and creativity.

Building a small business means bringing ideas to life, creating something new, and putting it out there for people to react. It also means having to constantly overcome self-doubt, criticism, and frustration. The process is the same for any type of creativity whether it's art, music, writing, or any other form of self-expression.

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Amy Vetter Amy Vetter

A Better Approach to Our Relationship With Tech

When it comes to the myriad ways technology has altered our personal and professional lives, we tend to hear only all-or-nothing opinions. Tech is either the miracle of our time, building a better world and improving our lives immeasurably, or an ever-spreading disease, infiltrating our daily existences and wreaking havoc on our interpersonal relationships.

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Amy Vetter Amy Vetter

You’re Never Too Old to Learn

Mastery is a myth. That statement may sound crazy on its face, but bear with me for a second. Do you really think any of us reaches a point in our lives where we’ve learned enough, grown enough, and progressed enough to say we’re content with where we’re at? Self-satisfaction breeds complacency, which is the enemy of improvement.

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Amy Vetter Amy Vetter

Innovation on the Inside

As somebody who travels the country speaking about the role of technology in the professional environment, I’ve had the chance to talk with countless business owners and team members about innovation. Far and away the most frequent question I’m asked is how somebody can create a workplace atmosphere where innovation is seen as a benefit, rather than an obstacle. 

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Amy Vetter Amy Vetter

How to Sharpen Your Soft Skills

You could say that soft skills are the most important since they affect so many aspects of daily business. They include being collaborative with the people around you, thinking creatively, making decisions, managing your time, problem-solving, and conflict resolution. Soft skills also involve personality traits like being personable, having a positive attitude, being an empathetic listener, and being self-disciplined.

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Amy Vetter Amy Vetter

Working in the Age of Disruption

I’m guessing everyone reading this article has heard some variation of the word disruption recently. It’s as buzzy a buzzword as you can find right now. Seemingly every business you read about claims to be “disrupting the paradigm” or see themselves as “disruptors changing the way we live.” Inc. Magazine even publishes a list of the 25 most disruptive companies every year

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Amy Vetter Amy Vetter

Key Ingredients Every Startup Needs for Short- and Long-Term Success

Starting a business can be scary, but it can also be an exhilarating experience. I've launched my own small businesses over my career, as well as consulted with others to get their ventures up and running. I have found from working with thousands of businesses over time is that what separates success from failure often comes down to three key things: purpose, people, and technology.

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Amy Vetter Amy Vetter

Breaking the Habits That Hold Us Back

Humans, the old saying goes, are creatures of habit. Some of our habits our productive, while others are less than ideal. Many times, we are prone to attributing our habitual behaviors to external forces, when they are really the product of our internal selves and instinctive response. Believe me, I’ve experienced this for myself. Personally, I have a habit of expressing too much emotion at times I don’t want to, later regretting the way I’ve handled a situation.

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