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Amy Vetter Amy Vetter

Rethinking Balance: The Power of Work-Life Harmony

Juggling the myriad demands of professional and personal life often feels like an intricate dance—a constant push-and-pull, a ceaseless game of catch. The multiple balls we juggle in the air simultaneously can sometimes overwhelm us, and inevitably, one or two might drop

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Amy Vetter Amy Vetter

Relational Accounting: Your Competitive Edge in a Data-Driven World

When we think of accounting, we often imagine rows of numbers, spreadsheets, and data analysis. Indeed, the power of data analytics has revolutionized the industry, offering profound insights and precision. But, as AI and machine learning evolve, crunching numbers is no longer a unique selling point for accounting firms. So, what sets your practice apart from everyone else?

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Amy Vetter Amy Vetter

Embracing Authentic Conversations on Time Management

Navigating time management can be challenging, especially when it involves interactions with colleagues or supervisors. A common question I hear during my presentations on time management is: How do you handle situations where you've dedicated time blocks for focused work, but your boss or coworker interrupts with questions or requests?

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