INSIGHTS on Leadership, Well-Being & Joy
Work-Life Harmony | Habit Change | Connected Leader | Business Balance Bliss | Personal Purpose | Mindfulness | B3 Breaks
Limited Beliefs? The Breaking Beliefs Podcat Helps You Overcome a Fixed Mindset
Welcome to the first edition of Breaking Beliefs Mindful Moments. In this newsletter, you’ll find the latest episodes of the podcast, links for suggested reading, quick practices you can implement and try in the form of my B³ Basics, and highlight my Mindful Moment from that month that inspired me. I’m excited to share these thoughts and conversations with you.
Finding Balance: Navigating the Unfamiliar
We all want to feel like we're in control of our lives. The good news is that you can get there. There are simple steps you can take to help you find a balance between navigating work and the unfamiliar.
Beyond the 9-5: How to Make Time for Your Passions While Working Smarter
If you're like most people, you probably feel like you don't have enough time to pursue your passions in addition to your day job. You might even feel guilty about spending time on your passion projects because you're worried about how it will impact your performance at work.
Making Time for Mindfulness: Getting Started With a Daily Practice
When you hear the word "mindfulness," what comes to mind? For many of us, it's a vague idea of paying attention to the present moment and being aware of what's happening around us.
Finding Fulfillment at Work and at Home: A New Way of Thinking
Most of us need to work in one capacity or another. It's one of the primary ways we provide for our families and contribute to society. Work is important, and the right job can be satisfying.
Mind Over Matter: The Benefits of Cultivating a Mindful Practice
As a yogi and CPA, I have always been drawn to the intersection of these seemingly disparate worlds. On the surface, yoga and accounting may seem unrelated, but upon closer examination, they have much in common.
How To Practice Gratitude In Business
Gratitude is a powerful emotion that increases happiness, improves health, and strengthens relationships. It's also a learned skill that you can practice.
6 Ways To Survive and Thrive Under Holiday Stress
Whether you're putting up the Christmas tree, cleaning out your guest bedroom, or wrapping presents—the holidays can be a lot.
How You Can Thrive in Your Career Without Sacrificing Your Personal Life
Some people believe you must choose between a successful career and a healthy personal life. That's nonsense. The fear of giving up your personal life is a self-imposed limitation when, in fact, you can thrive in your career without sacrificing your personal life.
6 Useful Tips To Increase Mindfulness In Your Workplace
Mindfulness is important. Bringing a mindful disposition to your job, which can be a source of significant stress, is crucial to improving many other areas in your life.
Be Coachable: What Sets Good Leaders And High Performers Apart
There are so many factors that set good leaders and high performers apart. It's not just your talent or intelligence that makes a difference in your career. While I'm sure these factors help, what truly sets good leaders and high performers apart is their approach to learning — their desire to be coachable.
Be Open, Honest, and Transparent With The People Around You
We all have good days and bad days. It can be hard to be transparent with ourselves or others about what we are going through during those bad days for fear of judgment.
How to Stop Rushing and Start Designing the Future You Want
We always have something to do. We have a list of tasks we need to finish, places to go, and people to see. We make a living by doing things and spend our free time always looking ahead to the next item on our list.
Don't Let Your Circumstances Define Your Expectations
When people look at you, they see what you've done. When I look at you, I see what you could do.
You Are What You Do
Have you ever said you're going to do something and then didn't follow through? We've all been there. It's easy to get distracted and let our priorities get pushed to the side.
Embracing The Now: Lessons on Creating Work-Life Harmony
I want to talk about what it means to create work-life harmony.
I created this term to take the stress out of work-life balance. It better describes the state of being where you feel you have enough time for both work and life. And not just enough time, but quality time.
May You Live All the Days of Your Life
We all want to live a long and fruitful life. But it's not just about living a long time; it's about living a life of significance and purpose.
Level Up Your Team With These Three Simple Steps
When you're working with a team, it's easy to forget that each person has their own unique skill set. I've worked in environments where people had been at the company for years but hadn't advanced because they didn't know how to ask for more responsibility.
How To Make Your New Hires Feel Welcomed On Day One
Think about onboarding for a minute. When you onboard new employees, you're doing more than just handing them a stack of forms to fill out, introducing them to their manager, and showing them where the restrooms are—you're demonstrating your organization's core values.
Make your job about more than just a paycheck
Work is an integral part of our lives. It shapes how we feel about ourselves, how much money we make, and how we spend our time outside the office. So when you hate your job, it affects everything else.